International Congress on Technical Diagnostics -ICTD
ICTD is a recognized international congress organized in Poland every four years, devoted to the development of the theory and practice of technical diagnostics. The idea of the congress is to provide an international platform for all global industrial partners and researchers to exchange ideas and the latest concepts regarding the diagnostics of machines, vehicles, structures, materials and industrial processes as well as the operation of all types of technical facilities.
7-th ICTD: University of Technology and Humanities – Radom 14-16.IX.2022,
6-th ICTD: Silesian University of Technology – Gliwice 12-16.IX.2016,
5-th ICTD: .AGH University of Science and Technology – Kraków 3-5.IX.2012,
4-th ICTD: University of Warmia and Mazury – Olsztyn 9-12.IX.2008,
3-rd ICTD: Poznan University of Technology – Poznań 6-9.IX.2004,
2-nd ICTD: Warsaw University of Technology – Warszawa 19-22.IX.2000,
KDT 96: Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, PAS; Silesian University of Technology; Poznan University of Technology – Gdańsk 17-20.IX.1996.